MedGem Weight Management Patients, Physicians and Weight Loss

According to the National Commission for Quality Assurance (NCQA), physicians should screen overweight or obese patients using the body mass index (BMI) scale. This screening is generally completed with a simple wall chart or electronic medial record (EMR) system within most physician practices. However, even if physicians do screen a patient’s BMI, most practices do … Read more MedGem Weight Management Patients, Physicians and Weight Loss

The Benefits Of Measuring RMR With A MedGem Or BodyGem

The Microlife BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimetry devices measure your clients Resting Metabolic Rate, to optimize their weight loss results. Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the BodyGem and MedGem scientifically measure a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them. Estimation formulas cannot factor in thyroid issues, the effects of medications, etc. For the … Read more The Benefits Of Measuring RMR With A MedGem Or BodyGem

The Thyroid Gland Regulates Metabolism

Your Thyroid Is the Regulator of Your Entire Existence Nate Lawrence, a bioenergetic medicine coach says: “The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, which can really be seen as systemic energy production. If you aren’t producing energy efficiently, this is where we find all of the problems of life. When your hormones are properly balanced and you … Read more The Thyroid Gland Regulates Metabolism