Microlife MedGem Handheld Indirect Calorimeter On The Biggest Loser

The Microlife MedGem indirect calorimetry device measures your clients Resting Metabolic Rate, to optimize their weight loss results.

Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the BodyGem and MedGem scientifically measure a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them.

Estimation formulas cannot factor in thyroid issues, the effects of medications, etc.

For the best care, the American Dietetics Association recommends using indirect calorimetry to measure RMR for the most accurate assessment of nutritional needs.

The Biggest Loser used the MedGem indirect calorimeter to help contestants adjust their Daily Calorie Budget.

Microlife’s WatchWT MedGem device was used to assess metabolic changes in The Biggest Loser™ contestants. Dr. Robert Huizenga, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at UCLA and Medical Advisor to The Biggest Loser said, “We chose to use the MedGem device based on its accuracy in comparison to other indirect calorimeters.” 

Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter for RMR - Resting Metabolic RateThe MedGem indirect calorimetry device is a clinically-validated and FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device for measurement of patient resting metabolic rate (RMR).

The MedGem is an easy-to-use, handheld device that accurately measures oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine resting metabolic rate (RMR)*.

Measurements made with the MedGem are easy to administer and provide accurate results in only a few minutes.

Get more information on the MedGem indirect calorimeter.

Call us directly at 720-431-1461 or complete the contact form to get your questions answered.
