Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter Used In Study At The University Of Colorado – Colorado Springs

The relationship between resting metabolic rate and quality of life is moderated by age and body composition in women: a cross-sectional study. Published by Melissa J. Benton and Andrea M. Hutchins. Background Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is related to body composition, which is also related to resting metabolic rate (RMR). RMR can be increased … Read more Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter Used In Study At The University Of Colorado – Colorado Springs

Resting Metabolic Rate: The Next Vital Sign!

Resting Metabolic Rate may become the next vital sign for evaluating and treating obesity in primary care. Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters scientifically measure a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them. Estimation formulas cannot factor in thyroid issues, the effects of medications, … Read more Resting Metabolic Rate: The Next Vital Sign!

Microlife MedGem Handheld Indirect Calorimeter On The Biggest Loser

The Microlife MedGem indirect calorimetry device measures your clients Resting Metabolic Rate, to optimize their weight loss results. Instead of estimating RMR with the Harris-Benedict or Katch-McArdle formula, the BodyGem and MedGem scientifically measure a clients Metabolic Fingerprint, that is unique to them. Estimation formulas cannot factor in thyroid issues, the effects of medications, etc. For … Read more Microlife MedGem Handheld Indirect Calorimeter On The Biggest Loser

The Five A’s Construct for Clinical Counseling on Excess Bodyweight

The Five A’s construct (ask, advise, assess, assist, arrange) was originally developed by the National Cancer Institute to guide physician intervention in smoking cessation. The U.S. Public Health Service used the A’s construct to report on high-quality, controlled clinical trials in tobacco cessation, many conducted in primary care settings to test brief, feasible population-level interventions. … Read more The Five A’s Construct for Clinical Counseling on Excess Bodyweight

MedGem Weight Management Patients, Physicians and Weight Loss

According to the National Commission for Quality Assurance (NCQA), physicians should screen overweight or obese patients using the body mass index (BMI) scale. This screening is generally completed with a simple wall chart or electronic medial record (EMR) system within most physician practices. However, even if physicians do screen a patient’s BMI, most practices do … Read more MedGem Weight Management Patients, Physicians and Weight Loss