Microlife BodyGem And MedGem Indirect Calorimeters Offer Advantages Over Equations

Microlife BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters offer advantages over predictive equations, such as Harris-Benedict. From PubMed US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Hand-held indirect calorimeter offers advantages compared with prediction equations, in a group of overweight women, to determine resting energy expenditures and estimated total energy expenditures during research screening. By Spears … Read more Microlife BodyGem And MedGem Indirect Calorimeters Offer Advantages Over Equations

BodyGem Validation Study on Taiwanese Women

The BodyGem indirect calorimeter was validated as reliable by the Community Medicine Research Center and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. The study was published in PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16837422, titled “Validity and reliability of BodyGem for measuring resting metabolic rate on Taiwanese women.” Liou TH, Chen CM, Chung WY, Chu NF.” Resting … Read more BodyGem Validation Study on Taiwanese Women

Microlife WatchWT MedGem On The Biggest Loser Contest

Microlife’s WatchWT MedGem indirect calorimeter device will be used to assess metabolic changes in The Biggest Loser™ contestants. Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. (MiMHS) announces The Biggest Loser medical staff will implement the MedGem indirect calorimeter to assess metabolic changes in program contestants. The MedGem handheld indirect calorimeter is an FDA cleared, Class II, medical … Read more Microlife WatchWT MedGem On The Biggest Loser Contest

Boulder Nutrition and Exercise uses the MedGem

Boulder Nutrition and Exercise uses the MedGem indirect calorimeter to measure their clients Resting Metabolic Rate. Their mission is to provide both nutrition and exercise education to the Boulder Colorado community. They combine Personal Training with Nutrition Consultations and MedGem Metabolic Rate Testing, to optimize their clients results. Katie Doran Filkins is the founder and … Read more Boulder Nutrition and Exercise uses the MedGem