Increase Profits With A Microlife BodyGem RMR Measurement Device

The BodyGem indirect calorimeter system can determine metabolic rate for your client in 5-10 minutes. Metabolic testing provides a precise measurement of your clients RMR, which can account for up to 75% of their total calorie needs. Metabolism testing is superior to estimation equations, such as the Harris-Benedict formula and Katch-McArdle formula. Scientifically based metabolic … Read more Increase Profits With A Microlife BodyGem RMR Measurement Device

Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter Assessment And Treatment Plan

The MedGem indirect calorimetry device is a clinically-validated and FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device for measurement of patient resting metabolic rate (RMR). The MedGem is an easy-to-use, handheld device that accurately measures oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine resting metabolic rate (RMR)*. Measurements made with the MedGem are easy to administer and provide accurate results … Read more Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter Assessment And Treatment Plan

Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter RMR Measurement Device

The MedGem indirect calorimetry device is a clinically-validated and FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device for measurement of patient resting metabolic rate (RMR). Simple, accurate, and convenient resting metabolic rate (RMR) measurement. How many calories does the body burn each day? The MedGem analyzer helps determine a daily calorie budget to lose or maintain weight and achieve … Read more Microlife MedGem Indirect Calorimeter RMR Measurement Device

HealtheTech To Microlife Transition Cost Bally’s And 24 Hour Fitness Customers

The BodyGem indirect calorimeter that was used by Personal Trainers at Bally’s and 24 Hour Fitness, is available from Microlife Medical Home Solutions. The BodyGem indirect calorimeter was designed by HealtheTech, which was based in Colorado. HealtheTech had forged relationships with Bally’s, 24 Hour Fitness and other fitness clubs; so that many Personal Trainers were using … Read more HealtheTech To Microlife Transition Cost Bally’s And 24 Hour Fitness Customers

Microlife MedGem And BodyGem For Hypothyroidism

The Microlife BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters measure Resting Metabolic Rate, which can decrease due to hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is an underactive thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism means that the thyroid gland can’t make enough thyroid hormone to keep the body running normally. People are hypothyroid if they have too little thyroid hormone in the blood There can … Read more Microlife MedGem And BodyGem For Hypothyroidism