YMCA Twin Cities Uses The BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter

YMCA Twin Cities uses the BodyGem indirect calorimeter to measure their fitness customers Resting Metabolic Rate.

YMCA Twin Cities uses the BodyGem device to help their clients reach their ideal weight.

From questions on using the exercise or weight machines to executing squats and lunges with correct form—the Fitness Center staff is ready to help. For every hour the Y is open, a Fitness Center representative is available to help you get the most from your workout. And it’s free with membership!

With locations all around the Minneapolis / St. Paul metro area, they are helping Minnesotans optimize their health.

For more information about YMCA Twin Cities, click on http://www.ymcatwincities.org/health__fitness

For more information about the BodyGem indirect calorimeter, click on BodyGem RMR Metabolic Testing For Weight Loss