The BodyGem Analyzer helps create an individualized nutrition plan.

The BodyGem Analyzer helps create an individualized nutrition plan.

STEP 1: MEASURE RMR – Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc offers the WatchWT™ MedGem and BodyGem.

The program uses the MedGem, a FDA Cleared Class II Medical Device and is reimbursable whereas the BodyGem device is the fitness model.  Both devices measures oxygen consumption that then determines their RMR!

STEP 2:  GENERATE REPORT.  Once you know your patient’s RMR, you enter it into our Analyzer software that generates a 3- page graphical and educational report.

Educating your patient is KEY! The report takes into account the RMR, as well as the individual parameters, such as height, current weight, goal weight, occupation activity level, hours of work, hours of sleep, exercise, etc.

The report also determines whether their RMR is high/low/normal, calculates percent body fat, and breaks  down their calorie budget in terms of macro and micro nutrients.

BodyGem Analyzer report provides:

  • Percent body fat based on Fat Free Mass, determined to be within 2% of DEXA
  • Macro and micro nutrient breakdown. Not only does the report determine RMR, but it will provide your clients down to age 8, their macro and micro nutrient requirements.  Validated down to age 7
  • Generates 3-page educational report in addition to a one page Clinician Report that can be uploaded to an EMR program.

BodyGem Analyzer software individualizes caloric needs by including occupational activity and sleep schedule.  Further individualizes by adding exercise calories separately