BodyGem Technology Helps You Manage Your Weight

BodyGem Technology Can Help You in the Battle of the Bulge Ever wonder why your friend who is the same gender, age, height, and bone structure as you can “eat like a horse” and never gain a pound, and you gain 50 pounds just walking past the bakery?  It’s because people burn calories at different … Read more BodyGem Technology Helps You Manage Your Weight

BodyGem comparison to the Korr MetaCheck

This article will compare the Microlife BodyGem with the Korr MetaCheck. Both indirect calorimetry units measure RMR – Resting Metabolic Rate / BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate Let’s start with validation.  Both indirect calorimeter devices have been validated against the gold standards of the metabolic rate testing, the Douglas Bag and the DeltraTrac Medical Cart, … Read more BodyGem comparison to the Korr MetaCheck

BodyGem RMR Personalized Weight Management Program

A BodyGem RMR* measurement will tell you how many calories you burn at rest, which can be 65-75% of your total daily calories. It’s all about the calories: managing your weight is dependent on being in control of the amount of food (calories) you eat each day. But how do you accurately determine how much … Read more BodyGem RMR Personalized Weight Management Program

Increasing Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Metabolism

Your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR is the number of calories your body burns each day with no activity. Your total daily metabolism includes your BMR, and the additional calories burned by your lifestyle, such as work activity levels, exercising, digestion, and home activity levels. Understanding your unique metabolism and how to keep it revved-up … Read more Increasing Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Metabolism