Microlife BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters measure Resting Metabolic Rate

The Microlife BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters measure Resting Metabolic Rate, to help Bariatric Doctors, Nutritionists, Dietitians and Personal Trainers; optimize the weight management results of their clients.

Microlife Medical Home Solutions is assisting physicians’ and their medical practices with implementing a patient-centered, physician-guided approach to an improved evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases.

The MedGem and BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter by Microlife is a handheld, portable indirect calorimeter that measures oxygen consumption (VO2) and RMR.


Why are the BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters the best choice?

They have been validated against the gold standard Douglas Bag, and against the Sensormedics and Delta Trac hospital metabolic measurement carts.

Our indirect calorimetry devices are portable, self-calibrating, easy to administer, and provide a RMR reading on the LCD panel in 10 minutes or less.

They use bite-wing style mouthpiece filters to make measurements more comfortable for your client and to prevent air leaks.

You can print the Client Measurement Summary Report on regular paper, and you can email it to your client in PDF format.

They have a 2-year warranty, instead of the standard 1-year warranty.

They are lower priced than other indirect calorimetry devices, and we have lease-type per-use systems to fit almost any budget.

Get more information on the BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters

We don’t post prices online, as it’s best to talk with us regarding our different system kits, to determine which one fits your unique needs.

Call me directly at 720-431-1461 or send me an email to get your questions answered.

I wish you the best of health!

David Wilcoxson