MedGem Indirect Calorimeter Implementation PDF Documents

This page provides the implementation PDF’s for the MedGem indirect calorimeter.

Obesity Clinic Procedures

This section provides an overview of how to structure the WatchWT program within your practice. It outlines the key elements of both a basic and an intermediate weight management program.

Clinic Outline

Basic Algorithm

Basic Weight Management Program Outline

Intermediate Algorithm

Intermediate Weight Management Program Outline

MedGem Physician Tools

Here you will the tools and resources available to gain the necessary information from patients to build your program.

Patient Visit Questionnaire

BMI Table

Physician Obesity Quick Reference Checklist

Patient Prescription For Weight Management

MedGem Measurement Protocol

Here you will find information on how to ensure that your RMR measurements are accurate. If you would like to view examples regarding setting up the device, calibration and conducting a measurement please reference the Conducting RMR Measurement section of your membership content.

Technician Measurement Script

Optimizing The Appointment

Measurement Protocol

Metabolism 101

Metabolism Matters: Here you will find specific information regarding metabolism and Resting Metabolic Rate.

Metabolism 101

Factors That Affect Metabolism

MedGem Analyzer Software Reference Materials

Here you will find reference materials regarding the MedGem analyzer software. The information provided will assist in organizing the data provided by your gem device.

Analyzer Profile Instructions

Patient Questionnaire

Personalized Weight Management Report

Measurement Report

Shared Medical Visits

Shared Medical Visits are a great way to maximize your clinic time. Here you will find all information regarding how to set up shared medical visits.

Shared Medical Visit Nutrition Session Outline

Guide To Conducting WatchWT SMVs

Patient Education

Patient education and involvement is a crucial element to any dietary/weight loss program. Here you will find tools and resources associated with educating patients on the relationship between proper nutrition and weight management.

Nutrition 101

Obesity Health

Calorie Balance

Portion Size Examples

Deciphering Label Lingo

Splurge You Decide

Day Food Journal

Patient Self-Assessment/Follow Up

Keeping patients engaged with their weight management program will yield positive results. Gaining their feedback provides practitioners with useful information.

Patient Follow-up Provider Reference Checklist

PSAW Questionnaire

PSAW Scoring Guide

MedGem Patient Flyer & Brochure

Here are some marketing materials that you can utilize in your office.

MedGem Brochure

Patient Flyer

MedGem Clinical References

Here you will find clinical information regarding the use of an indirect calorimeter in determining RMR and weight management.

The Five A’s For Clinical Counseling

Annotated Bibliography MedGem Final Version

Employing RMR Technology In A 90-Day Weight Control Program

Systematic Review On Use Of A Handheld Indirect Calorimeter

MedGem Patient Survey

It’s important to evaluate your programs from the perspective of the patient. The information provided can assist you in tailoring programs in the future.

Post Measurement Questionnaire

MedGem Insurance Reimbursement

Here’s an updated list of ICD10 codes that your practice can utilize for insurance reimbursement.

MedGem CPT Codes

All CPT Codes

Get more information on the MedGem indirect calorimeter.

Call me directly at 720-431-1461 or send me an email to get your questions answered.

I wish you the best of health!

David Wilcoxson