Chicago Weight Loss Uses The Microlife BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter

 The Chicago Weight Loss And Wellness Clinic uses the BodyGem indirect calorimeter to measure their fitness customers Resting Metabolic Rate.

Having a healthy body leads to a sound mind and thereby achieve the perfect YOU!!

A Rejuvenated YOU!!

Food plays a vital role to bring the much needed energy and nutrients for a healthy body. Food is the basic foundation of human life.

All dietary weight loss programs preach that either by controlling the quantity or quality of the food intake, it is possible to achieve weight loss.

At Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinic, we offer Diet and Nutrition Counseling for everyone who aims to have a balanced lifestyle.

We prepare a customized plan to suit your individual needs.

Individual and group nutritional sessions with the consultant can also be scheduled during rest of the days based on your availability and schedule.

Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinic aims at bringing to you a positive lifestyle filled with healthy habits!!

More information can be obtained during the monthly seminar at the Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinic.

For more information about Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinic, click on

For more information about the BodyGem indirect calorimeter, click on BodyGem RMR Metabolic Testing For Weight Loss