The Cooper Fitness Center uses the MedGem indirect calorimeter

The Cooper Fitness Center uses the MedGem indirect calorimeter, to measure their clients RMR for optimal weight management. More than 40 years ago one man changed the face of fitness. Today millions of people are exercising, not just to enhance their outer appearance but to improve their inner health. While individuals around the globe know … Read more The Cooper Fitness Center uses the MedGem indirect calorimeter

Microlife WatchWT MedGem On The Biggest Loser Contest

Microlife’s WatchWT MedGem indirect calorimeter device will be used to assess metabolic changes in The Biggest Loser™ contestants. Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. (MiMHS) announces The Biggest Loser medical staff will implement the MedGem indirect calorimeter to assess metabolic changes in program contestants. The MedGem handheld indirect calorimeter is an FDA cleared, Class II, medical … Read more Microlife WatchWT MedGem On The Biggest Loser Contest

Microlife MedGem Featured On NBC 9News In Denver

Colorado’s NBC news affiliate (9 News) highlights the use of the MedGem Indirect Calorimeter. Microlife is a Colorado-based company who manufactures the BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters, which help Personal Trainers, Dietitians and Bariatric Doctors, measure their clients Resting Metabolic Rate. The BodyGem device is designed for Personal Trainers and Dietitians who do not make … Read more Microlife MedGem Featured On NBC 9News In Denver

Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter at FNCE Academy of Nutrition

Microlife will be demonstrating the MedGem indirect calorimeter at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ annual meeting in Houston, TX on Oct. 19-22, 2013. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ annual meeting (FNCE™) is the premier event for food and nutrition professionals. The latest nutrition science information, foodservice trends and access to the top experts are … Read more Microlife MedGem indirect calorimeter at FNCE Academy of Nutrition

Boulder Nutrition and Exercise uses the MedGem

Boulder Nutrition and Exercise uses the MedGem indirect calorimeter to measure their clients Resting Metabolic Rate. Their mission is to provide both nutrition and exercise education to the Boulder Colorado community. They combine Personal Training with Nutrition Consultations and MedGem Metabolic Rate Testing, to optimize their clients results. Katie Doran Filkins is the founder and … Read more Boulder Nutrition and Exercise uses the MedGem