Balance Fitness Uses The BodyGem

Balance Fitness uses the BodyGem indirect calorimeter to measure their fitness customers Resting Metabolic Rate.

Microlife BodyGem Resting Metabolic Rate Test

METABOLIC FINGERPRINTING WITH BodyGem.  Having trouble losing weight? It could be your metabolism.

BALANCE fitness Studio can now determine your unique Metabolic Fingerprint with the BodyGem® so you know how many calories your body burns naturally each day, enabling us to determine the precise number of calories your body needs so you can successfully lose weight.

Learn Your True Metabolic Rate

The BodyGem® device utilizes breakthrough technology that provides individuals, for the first time, easy access to their unique Metabolic Fingerprint ™, or resting metabolic rate. The technology is more precise than the commonly used estimation equations based on statistical averages of height, weight, gender and age. The estimates routinely used are only accurate for about 20% of the population, and can lead to frustrating and unsuccessful weight loss efforts.

When you know your Metabolic Fingerprint™, you can use this number to manage your weight and overall health and fitness. Balancing calories in and calories out is the key to weight management success. If you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight, and vice versa. Since a Metabolic Fingerprint™ measurement result represents the vast majority of the calories your body burns, that number can be used as the basis for determining your daily calorie intake.

How Often Should I Check my Metabolism?

You should have your Metabolic Fingerprint™ measured periodically when losing weight or when making changes to your fitness program, as metabolism will change over time. A change in metabolism is often the reason individuals hit frustrating “plateaus” during their weight loss program. A Metabolic Fingerprint™ measurement every 4 to 6 weeks is recommended so that adjustments to your weight management or fitness program can be made for continued success.

Everyone is different which is why equations that estimate your metabolism can be very inaccurate, and why a 1500 calorie diet doesn’t work for everyone. Your Metabolic Fingerprint can be hundreds of calories different from other people of the same age, sex and body weight. Having an accurate measurement allows our staff to develop an accurate calorie budget and highly personalized exercise program that will help you reach your goals. It’s a simple breath test that takes only 10 minutes or less used by the contestants on the BIGGEST Loser Reality Tv Show. . . And you thought it was how Bob Rides on their backs 🙂

Online Calculators and Formulas don’t really work. BMR calculator formulas such as the Harris Benedict formula (BMR based on total body weight) and Katch-McArdle formula (BMR based on lean body weight) do not take into consideration the following factors which affect your clients metabolic rate:

  • Thyroid issues can speed up or slow down metabolism
  • Certain hormones can increase or decrease metabolism
  • Certain supplements can increase or decrease metabolism.
  • Pharmaceuticals – Prescription and OTC drugs can increase or decrease RMR

A BodyGem Metabolic Analysis Measures Metabolism Quickly and Easily!

BodyGem is a revolutionary new handheld device that measures resting metabolism, providing an accurate scientific measurement of the number of calories a person burns each day at rest. Understanding a person’s unique metabolism and monitoring changes provides ultimate control in managing nutrition, weight and general fitness.

Scientifically Based

The BodyGem is the first portable handheld device to use advanced sensor technology to measure oxygen consumption, the universal fuel of metabolism. The sensors in the BodyGem accurately measure the volume of air, oxygen content, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity. The coefficient of variation for repeated testing is less than 1.5%.

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism is the body’s process of combining nutrients with oxygen to release the energy required to power our bodies. This energy, measured in calories, is used to keep the body functioning, and to fuel daily activities and exercise. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the number of calories the body needs just to maintain basic body function and typically represents 60 to 75 percent of a person’s total metabolism. The key weight management is balancing caloric intake with the calories we burn. Until now we haven’t been able to conveniently measure calories burned.

Why Measure RMR?

Resting metabolism varies from person-to-person. Current methods of estimating RMR are inaccurate for many individuals. This leads to ineffective weight management plans. In addition, each individual’s metabolism will change over time as a result of weight loss, caloric restriction, age, exercise, or change in body composition. Frequent measurement provides valuable information required to adjust your client’s health and fitness plans.

How does it work?

The BodyGem measures the amount of oxygen your body uses which is how metabolism is determined*. It’s important to have your Metabolic Fingerprint measured every 4 to 6 weeks during a weight management or resistance training program to monitor changes, avoid plateaus and make adjustments to your program for continued success.

What do I need to do to get an accurate measurement?

Since we’re measuring your Metabolic Fingerprint, which is the majority of calories your body naturally burns every day for daily function, the conditions for the measurement must be controlled – much like having your blood pressure or cholesterol checked.

What you need to do before having your Metabolic Fingerprint measurement measured:

  • NO Eating for at least 4 hours before test. (water is OK)
  • NO Exercised for at least 4 hours before test.
  • NO caffeine for at least 4 hours before test
  • NO nutritional supplements or medications containing ephedra, Ma Huang, or pseudoephedrine for at least 4 hours.
  • NO Use any form of nicotine for at least 1 hour before test

For more information about Balance Fitness, click on

For more information about the BodyGem indirect calorimeter, click on BodyGem RMR Metabolic Testing For Weight Loss


