The RMR Diet for BodyGem Clients

The RMR Diet for BodyGem Clients

You want to lose weight.  You may have tried various programs or diets and had some initial success but later failed.

You are frustrated.  It shouldn’t be this difficult.

The RMR Diet is a program based on your individual resting metabolic rate (RMR). It is simple.

Your Resting Metabolic Rate or RMR is the number of calories you burn at rest and the number you need to eat to maintain normal body functions (heart beating, breathing, etc.). It can also be called your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR

If you eat the number of calories equal to your RMR, you will lose weight – safely – and keep it off. Why?  Because your RMR accounts for about 60-75% of all the calories you burn in a day.

The other calories you burn from normal daily activity (working, going to the grocery store, etc.) will go towards weight loss. Remember, weight loss is a simple balance: if you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight.

Nearly all diet programs require that you eat less, so why don’t they work?

Most programs guess at the number of calories that you need to eat to lose weight. Often, this results in restricting your calories too much.

This actually decreases your metabolic rate, can be very difficult for you to stick with for very long, and can be dangerous to your health.

Other times, the recommended caloric intake is too high for you to lose weight and, of course, you become frustrated when you aren’t successful.

RMR is unique to every individual, and it can be vastly different in people who are the same age, gender, height and weight – the normal predictors of metabolic rate.

In fact, one study showed that women similar in the characteristics above varied in their measured RMR by about 900 calories/day!¹

The BodyGem RMR measurement is simple.  You will sit quietly and breath through the BodyGem metabolic device   for about 10 minutes.

This measures the amount of oxygen you are consuming which allows determination of the number of calories you are burning.

After the measurement, you will know your individual RMR. If you eat an amount of calories equal to your RMR, you should expect to lose about 1 pound per week.

If you want to lose weight at a slightly faster rate, then you simply need to add some additional exercise to increase the calories you are expending.  It is that simple.

As with any weight management program, you will probably reach a weight loss plateau after a few weeks and stop losing weight or even start to put weight back on.

This is a signal that your metabolism has changed as a result of your weight loss and you need to re-measure your RMR immediately to adjust your caloric intake for continued success.

Ideally, you will log the foods that you eat and any exercise you are doing to help you keep track of your calories in and calories out.

To get more information:

  • Review the BodyGem information page
  • Call me directly at 720-431-1461
  • Or leave a voicemail at 1-866-285-8296 and I’ll call you back

I wish you the best of health!

David Wilcoxson

¹ Foster et al (1988). Resting energy expenditure, body composition, and excess weight in the obese. Metabolism 37(5): 467-472.