Microlife BodyGem and MedGem indirect calorimeters

Microlife MedGem And Mouthpiece Filter Promo

Take advantage of our September 2024 promo on the MedGem System Kit and mouthpiece filters!

If you purchase a MedGem System Kit @ $3,499, you will get an additional 21-pack of mouthpiece filters and nose clips at no charge. The kit includes one 21-pack, so you will get two.

If you purchase four 21-packs of mouthpiece filters and nose clips @ $299 each, you will get two 21-packs at no charge, making the average price per 21-pack, $199.

You can take advantage of both promos on the same order. If you purchase a MedGem System Kit ($3,499) and four 21-packs of filters ($299 each) for a subtotal of $4,695, you will get three additional 21-packs at no charge.

Call 720-431-1461 to place your order. Or complete the CONTACT FORM and we will email you or call you.