Microlife GSA Contractor For MedGem And BodyGem Indirect Calorimeters

Press Release – Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. announces new Government Services Administration (GSA) contract.

Golden, CO—Feb. 22, 2011 ” Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. (MiMHS) announces it is now a GSA Contractor (V797P-4382b) with the MedGem and BodyGem indirect calorimeters. GSA Advantage is a purchasing portal designed to streamline purchasing to save time and improve efficiency. Becoming a GSA contractor is an extremely long and arduous process. To become a GSA contractor, products must be made in the USA and have a high customer satisfaction.

The MedGem and BodyGem devices are utilized in government facilities including military bases and Veteran Administration hospitals. The Marine Corp™s Semper Fit and MOVE programs at VA Hospitals have implemented measuring resting metabolic rate as a standard of practice. In addition, many other military hospitals measure resting metabolic rate as a component to their care process for patients needing accurate calorie provisions.

Resting metabolic rate (RMR) makes up approximately 70% of an individual™s daily energy needs. Understanding a patient™s calorie needs is extremely important when establishing a nutritional plan that supports the care process, said Dr. Scott O. McDoniel, Director of Clinical Affairs for Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc. Indirect calorimetry is recommended by the American Dietetic Association™s Adult and Pediatric Evidence-Based Weight Management Guidelines for assessing metabolic needs of patients.

Resting metabolic rate varies dramatically between individuals. Until recently, most healthcare providers would estimate RMR using complicated estimation equations. However, several studies indicate estimations are substantially in-accurate and can lead to developing a wrong nutrition plan for overweight and hospitalized patients.

Becoming a GSA contractor will improve the efficiency of MedGem and BodyGem implementation at government installations. For GSA orders, please refer to the www.gsaAdvantage.gov website.

To get more information:

  • Review the MedGem and BodyGem indirect calorimeters
  • Call me directly at 720-431-1461

I wish you the best of health!

David Wilcoxson

About Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc.

Microlife Medical Home Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Microlife Corporation, is dedicated to meeting the needs of healthcare providers and their busy medical practices.  Our systematic solutions and proprietary medical devices offer healthcare providers evidence-based and practice-tested methods for accurate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.  Microlife is committed to working with healthcare providers to help reduce hypertension and obesity rates and its associated healthcare expenditures by providing efficient and cost-effective solutions.