BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter to Measure RMR

The BodyGem® Indirect Calorimeter

Provide a higher level of care to your clients with scientifically determined resting metabolic rate (RMR) measurement (1)

The BodyGem indirect calorimeter device, is a state-of-the-art, handheld device that accurately measures oxygen consumption (VO2) to determine resting metabolic rate.

The measurement is easy to administer and provides accurate results in only a few minutes. The easy to use device allows for personalization and accurate development of individual nutrition and weight management goals.

With each BodyGem comes the BodyGem® Analyzer professional companion software. BodyGem Analyzer allows for easy monitoring of real-time measurement data, export feature for further data analysis, and report generation for patient education.

A wide variety of health and fitness professionals – Personal Trainers, Dietitians,
fitness clubs, and many others – use the BodyGem, to ensure accurate and reliable measurements for use in their weight management programs.

  • Simple – To perform a measurement, your patient or client simply breathes into the device, which measures their oxygen consumption (VO2), the resulting RMR number is clearly displayed on the device’s LCD screen.
  • Accurate – It has been validated against the gold standard Douglas Bag, and other commonly used metabolic carts (2,3,4)
  • Convenient – It is portable, self-calibrating, easy to administer, and provides a result in 10 minutes or less.
  • Affordable – It’s is available in different measurement capacities to ensure your organization has the right device for your needs.

I’m able to provide my clients with a scientific, proven solution.
Over 90% of my clients are achieving their goals.

Brian Barkley
Owner, Functional Conditioning

To get more information on the BodyGem Indirect Calorimeter:

  • Click on BodyGem
  • Call me directly at 720-431-1461
  • Or leave a voicemail at 1-866-285-8296 and I’ll call you back
  • Here is a BodyGem FAQ page

I wish you the best of health!

David Wilcoxson

1. RMR is calculated using the Weir Equation and a constant RQ value of 0.85 (RMR=6.913xVO2), Weir, J.B., New Methods for Calculating Metabolic Rate with Special Reference to Protein Metabolism. J Physiol, 1949. 109: pages 1-9.
2. Nieman, David C., Trone, Greg A. and Austin, Melanie D.,”A new handheld device for measuring resting metabolic rate and oxygen consumption.” Journal American Dietetic Association 2003:103 (May), 588-593
.3. Stewart, C., Branson, R., Goody, C.M., “A Comparison of Two Systems for Measuring Energy
Expenditure”. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2005:29 (May/June), 212-217.
4. Storer, T.W., et al. “Validation of the MedGem Device for Measurement of Resting Metabolic Rate”, Abstract May 2004 ACSM conference, Indianapolis, IN.
5. James R. Mault, et al. “Efficacy of a Resting Metabolic Rate Based Energy Balance Prescription in a Weight Management Program” Nutrition Week, San Diego, CA. Feb. 2002
6. Foster, G. et al. (1988). Resting Energy Expenditure, Body Composition, and Excess Weight in the Obese. Metabolism, 37(5), 467-472.
7. HealtheTech Technical Report #2 – Comparison of the BodyGem to a Mechanical Simulation Device.
8. Melanson, E. L. et al., Validation of the BodyGem Handheld Calorimeter. Intermational Journal of Obesity 2004:28, 1479-1484
9. Frankenfield, D., Roth-Yousey, and C. Compher, Comparison of Predictive Equations for Resting Metabolic Rate in Healthy Nonobese and Obese Adults: A Systematic Review. J Am Diet Assoc., 2005. 105: p. 775-789.