BodyGem And MedGem System Kits

Our BodyGem and MedGem metabolic testing system kits are designed to allow you to build a profitable metabolism-based weight management program.

Call 720-431-1461 to get your questions answered.

The BodyGem and MedGem are the same type indirect calorimeter. They have the same functionality, accuracy and reliability. The difference is that the MedGem is a FDA 510K-cleared, class II, medical device, which allows licensed clinicians to make insurance claims on their measurements..

BodyGem System Kits For Metabolic Testing For Weight LossThe BodyGem System Kit ($2,799) Includes:

♦ Body Gem Indirect Calorimeter with a 2-year warranty
♦ One 21-pack Mouthpiece Filters and Nose Clips
♦ BodyGem Analyzer Software
♦ A lightweight Carrying Case
♦ A Marketing Materials Kit with posters and trifold brochures

The BodyGem System Kit is the best long-term system, because it has the lowest per-use cost.

Additional 21-packs of Mouthpiece Filters and Nose Clips are $299.
When you purchase two 21-packs, you get one 21-pack for FREE.

The BodyGem Starter System Kit ($899) includes everything you need to administer 42 measurements, including:

♦ Body Gem Indirect Calorimeter that’s setup for 40 measurements
♦ BodyGem Analyzer Software
♦ 42 Mouthpiece Filters and Nose Clips
♦ A lightweight Carrying Case
♦ A Marketing Materials Kit with posters and trifold brochures.

It uses the same BodyGem device, but is programmed to complete only 40 measurements, which allows us to offer it at a lower price point.

The BodyGem Starter Kit is a great entry level system if you have low volume or don’t want to spend the money to purchase the System Kit.

BodyGem Starter Reorder Kits ($799) are available to give you everything you need for 42 more measurements, or you can upgrade to the BodyGem System Kit.

Personal trainers typically charge between $50-70 for a RMR measurement, so the BodyGem Starter Kit allows you to generate between $2,000 – $2,800 in revenue.


MedGem System Kits For Metabolic Testing For Weight LossThe MedGem WatchWT System Kit ($3,499) Includes:

♦ MedGem Indirect Calorimeter with a 2-year warranty
♦ One 21-pack Mouthpiece Filters and Nose Clips
♦ MedGem Analyzer Software
♦ A lightweight Carrying Case
♦ A metabolic rate and weight management program Implementation Guide
♦ A Marketing Materials Kit with posters and trifold brochures

The MedGem System Kit is the best long-term system, because it has the lowest per-use cost.

Additional 21-packs of Mouthpiece Filters and Nose Clips are $299.
When you purchase two 21-packs, you get one 21-pack for FREE.

MedGem Starter System Kit ($1,099) includes everything you need to administer
42 measurements, including:

♦ MedGem Indirect Calorimeter that’s setup for 40 measurements
♦ MedGem Analyzer Software
♦ 42 Mouthpiece Filters and Nose Clips
♦ A lightweight Carrying Case
♦ A Marketing Materials Kit with posters and trifold brochures.

It uses the same FDA-approved MedGem device, but is programmed to complete only 42 measurements, which allows us to offer it at a lower price point.

The MedGem Starter Kit is a great entry level system if you have low volume or don’t want to spend the money to purchase the System Kit.

MedGem Starter Reorder Kits ( $999) are available to give you everything you need for 42 more measurements, or you can upgrade to the MedGem System Kit.

Licensed clinicians typically charge between $70-90 for a RMR measurement, so the MedGem Starter Kit allows you to generate between $2,800 – $3,600 in revenue.

The average insurance reimbursed cost is between $ 70.00 and $ 80.00
(CPT 94690) Oxygen uptake, expired gas analysis; rest, indirect.
Click here to see the CPT Codes that apply to metabolic testing.

Call me directly at 720-431-1461 to get your questions answered.

David Wilcoxson

We accept the following payments:

  • Visa, MasterCard, Discover & American Express
  • Check, Money Order or Bank Wire
  • Net 30 terms for Purchase Orders are available. Account setup typically takes a few weeks.

Additional BodyGem and MedGem Products and Services

♦ Serial Data Cable with USB Adaptor $50.00
♦ One Year Extended Warranty ; BodyGem $225.00; MedGem $295
♦ Evaluation/Recalibration Service $99.00
♦ Marketing Kit (Posters/Brochures) $55.00
♦ Metabolism Matters Brochures (QTY 50) $25.00

NOTE: The serial data cable and USB adaptor are not included in the system kits. Measurements can simply be run by pressing the button on top of the BodyGem. This avoids Windows compatibility issues and allows you to test without being connected to the computer.

The BodyGem and MedGem Analyzer software is designed for Windows OS. To run the Analyzer software(or any Windows program) on a Mac, you would need the Boot Camp utility or VMware or Parallels software. You can get more information at or contact your Apple dealer for more information.

  • Increased success rates and reduced costs associated with weight management programs.
  • Increased revenue with an RMR measurement that is a high value service to your patients/clients.