Increasing Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Metabolism

Your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR is the number of calories your body burns each day with no activity. Your total daily metabolism includes your BMR, and the additional calories burned by your lifestyle, such as work activity levels, exercising, digestion, and home activity levels. Understanding your unique metabolism and how to keep it revved-up … Read more Increasing Basal Metabolic Rate and Daily Metabolism

Harris Benedict Equation vs. Measuring BMR

The Harris Benedict Equation to calculate BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate was developed in 1919. The first point to be made is that our bodies have certainly changed a lot since 1919, which adds more variables to the Harris Benedict Formula. The Harris Benedict Formula shows how to calculate BMR, but this is only an … Read more Harris Benedict Equation vs. Measuring BMR

BodyGem RMR Diet for Health Professionals

BodyGem RMR Device You likely have clients who are frustrated with their weight.  Whether they are dealing with excess weight or are struggling to regain muscle mass lost as a result of an injury, you can use the RMR Diet to help your clients achieve their goals. The RMR Diet is based on your client’s … Read more BodyGem RMR Diet for Health Professionals